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Seabed Surveys 2019

Home > Projects > Seabed Surveys

We have been involved with SNH’s project to help communities survey their local seabed for marine life, and in June FoSoJ attended a hands-on demo day to trial equipment and methodologies. Demonstration sessions included Drop Down Video systems, Remotely Operated Vehicles and a live survey of an intertidal rocky shore, using the iNaturalist app to record and verify species. A monitoring method handbook has been published, and FoSoJ will have access to a free and shared “equipment library”. If you are interested in taking part in marine surveys please do get in touch!

SNH also did its own survey work in parts of the Sound of Jura this summer. We look for- ward to hearing the results during 2020. One snippet is that northern sea fans, the rare colonial animals that halted the Dounie fish farm proposal, were found around the north end of Jura. A 2500t farm is planned at Corpach Bay, on NW Jura.

Northern Sea Fan

Photo credit - Mark Woombs

Project Seagrass

In April Richard ‘RJ’ Lilly of Project Seagrass snorkeled with Friends of the Sound of Jura in seagrass meadows around the Taynish Peninsula (Loch Sween and Linne Mhuirich) and the two meadows in Carsaig Bay. In anticipation of Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters 2020, Project Seagrass is doing important work mapping out seagrass meadows in Scot- land in order to identify and engage with meaningful restoration work. You can read RJ’s blog piece of his visit to the Sound of Jura here:

close up sea grass.JPG

Seagrass meadow in Carsaig Bay, Sound of Jura

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