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Herald Scotland, 28 January 2020

Anglers banned from taking salmon home on 100 Scottish rivers

​, January 2020

73,600 fish escape from MOWI site after storm damages cages

After yet another mass salmon escape from MOWI's most exposed farm, Friends of the Sound of Jura writes to SEPA:


'More than 122,000 fish have escaped from three of the most exposed of MOWI's farms in the last year or so, as a direct consequence of SEPA's new policy to direct large farms to such high energy sites.

Norwegian research quoted in the SAMS report for the Scottish Parliamentary Inquiry stated that genetic introgression into wild salmon from escaped farmed fish is an even greater threat to the wild salmon population than sea lice.

SEPA is helping to cause this completely unacceptable situation and it urgently needs to address the problem, in order to fulfil its biodiversity duty.

Please tell us what you propose to do about this.'


BBC News website, 21 January 2020

Colonsay farmed salmon escape after Storm Brendan


Daily Mail, 19 January 2020

Salmon leaping to extinction - in just ten years Britain's premier fishing rivers have seen catches fall from thousands to hundreds.  The reason? - a toxic cocktail of greed, pollution - and cynical politicians.


Herald Scotland website, 18 January 2020

A cry for kelp - why Scotland's green future could be blue

An in-depth article about the environmental benefits of kelp farming (not dredging) and Argyll and Bute's proposal to make to make our area a hub for seaweed cultivation. A & B's recently published feasibility study will be presented at next month's Scottish Seaweed Industry Association annual conference in Oban. Large parts of the Sound of Jura have been identified as suitable areas and we will attend this conference to learn more about what is being proposed. We look forward to hearing about seaweed cultivation in the Faroes, Norway, Holland and Spain. We are also be keen to hear Marine Scotland's update on the Seaweed Review Group, which was set up by the Government after last year's amendment to the Crown Estate Bill and the continuing campaign against kelp dredging.

The Herald have provided a nice picture of Pacific Giant kelp! However seaweed cultivation in Scotland uses two types of equally stunning native kelp - Dabberlocks (Alaria esculenta) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina latissima).


Argyllshire Advertiser, 19 January 2020

Environmental group recognised as charity


BBC news website, 16 January 2020

Scottish tests of "whale friendly" fishing creels


Herald Scotland, 15 January 2020

Website expands efforts to help save endangered skates


BBC News website, 7 January 2020

Salmon near 'crisis point' say fisheries experts


BBC News website, 3 January 2020

Belching in a good way: How livestock could learn from Orkney sheep



Escape from Colonsay
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