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Media coverage April 2020

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Sunday Times, 26 April 2020

Salmon aid to economy "inflated"


The Herald, Scotland, 25 April 2020

Government asked to suspend support for increased salmon farming


The Herald, Scotland, 8 April 2020

Coastal life set to be transformed under £70m plan


The Ferret, 7 April 2020

The Scottish salmon farming industry has been accused of taking advantage of the coronavirus emergency to "sidestep" environmental regulation. 

Environmental rules for salmon farming industry relaxed


Crown Estate Scotland website, 1 April 2020

Support for the Crown Estate's latest blueprint has not been universal.  Describing it as "a mixed bag" Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, criticised planned moves to assist fish farming.  "On the other hand, the enthusiasm for expanding the fish farming industry is disappointing, particularly as this industry continues to struggle to meet pollution standards."

Crown Estate Scotland to invest £70m in support of coastal community regeneration, green energy and sustainable food production

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